Faculty members and students at the Institute of Professional Software Engineers-IPSE generate skills and knowledge using the latest sustainable and adaptable research in every functional region of technology, enterprise, and management that would be beneficial to the public, and private sector, as well as government with the wider society in general. The knowledge generated by the Institute of Professional Software Engineers-IPSE faculty is to be used to improve the well-being of the entire society.
Research carried out by the Institute of Professional Software Engineers-IPSE is utilized to augment our courses, training as well as executive educational activities.
At IPSE, Research and development are principal areas of focus. Consistently, IPSE has been actively engaged in a numerous research studies anchored on diverse aspects of enterprenuer like security, technology, project management,communication, idea and concept development, human resource development, and science and technology, product development, incubation including the search for viable practical solutions to mitigate all manner of problems encountered by public, industry, and government institutions .
Institute of Professional Software Engineers-IPSE stands out as a center of innovational activity, while IPSE faculty members cooperate with various industry players including academic institutions globally in order to provide diversified technology and skills.
We are endlessly scouting for diverse opportunities to add to the body of knowledge in our training programs as a way of generating new skills and opportunities for our students. Both creativity and research at the Institute the two has been given a positive stimulus with the formation of a Center of Excellence Hub that concentrates on particular requirements of various specialized areas and industries, ranging from Information Technology, Security, Agriculture, Industrial Software, Transport, Insurance Finance and Fraud Management
The Institute of Professional Software Engineers-IPSE undertakes research programs in multi branches of software engineering, technology and project management among others,this aspect of research is also carried out by students. .The Institute of Professional Software Engineers-IPSE operates with total commitment in regard to Research and Development of societal importance with the exuberance to serve the global community.

Similarly, we undertake research partnerships for government and private entities and this plays a vital role in exposing our students to the real world of technology and entrepreneurship.